about me

My Background

Although French was my first language as a child, I started going to British schools when I was five years old, and since then most of my education has been UK-based. With French spoken at home and a large part of my formative years spent in Venezuela, I was trilingual from a young age. My solid grounding in Spanish was reinforced by living and working in Spain for four years as an adult. I moved to Portugal in 2012 and since then have been fine-tuning my Portuguese language skills. I am now able to offer translation services in four languages.


After completing a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Cognitive Science, my love of travel, languages and the written word lead me to complete an MA in Translation in 2010.

I now have over a decade of professional experience working with leading companies, including Decathlon, Accor, Astrazeneca and Cirque du Soleil. I specialise in health, environmental, tourism and education sectors.

My personal interests are in psychology, film and the performing arts and I have had plenty of  opportunities to translate in these fields too .

I have recently completed a subtitling and closed captioning course and I can now offer my services in this market.

I  carry out pro bono work whenever I can to support the non-profit sector.  I have completed out work for the following NGO’s: Fundación global nature, Blue Ventures, Médecins sans Frontières and Surfrider Foundation.

Memberships and affiliations

Member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists, APTRAD (Associação de Profissionais de Tradução e de Interpretação) and Proz.

I am a Proz.com certified Pro in French to English translation.